2024 Term 4 Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who contributed in some capacity to ensure a smooth term 4.

It has been most rewarding seeing the growth of all students across the year and I know our wonderful community has mentioned the same. The spectacular moments will be captured on our website www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au as well as the yearbook.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your effort and support as always. Being in Chinese school isn’t merely about language, but about building the foundation of lifelong connection and joy. I hope our teachers, parents, and students have a restful and enjoyable holiday break and I look forward to welcoming you all in 2025 for another year of excitement and learning opportunities.

Additionally, to those leaving, including our Year 6 students and those received Opportunity Class offers, I wish you all the very best as you enter the next chapter after your Epping West journey. Hopefully our program continues meet your diverse needs for your short future.

Merry Christmas and blessings for 2025. See you in the holiday and/or first week of February.


同时,对于转校或者我们的Year 6毕业生和英才班的同学,希望你们在新的旅程有更好的发展,也希望我们的课程能够继续帮到你们。

圣诞快乐,2025新年进步! 假期或者二月第一周见!
