Welcome back to Epping West

2020 Term 4 schedule 课程表

From Principal

Welcome back to Term 4! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday.

In line with health advice, our Chinese class resumes campus operation with Covid-19 health and safety measures in place. A couple of online lessons are being delivered too. 

With the easing of restrictions, it is essential that we continue practicing good hygiene. All students are required to have temperature checked in front of the Hall before heading to classrooms. It is very important that students continue to use sanitizer, wash their hands regularly and maintain social distancing where possible. If your child is unwell, or displaying flu-like symptoms, no matter how mild is, please do not send them to school and have them tested for Covid-19. All policies and procedure implemented at Epping West Public School should apply.

In order to safeguard our teachers and students, please take note of the below guidelines:

1. Physical distancing and hygiene is essential. We will use sanitizer and disinfectant to wipe down surfaces used.

2. Parents are to inform daily class teacher that your child will attend Chinese class. Kindy to year 1 students should wait in the classroom or stay in the meeting point until collected by the teachers.

3. Parents are not permitted on site. The teacher and an assistant are the only adults.

4. Students will be taken to Gate 3 to be dismissed to their parents. Separate flyer on collection guideline will be issued.

5. The teacher is to keep a roll with contact details in case of the Health Department needing to trace contact.

6. Adult activities can have a printed name, signature and mobile phone number

7. Use ONLY your own items and do not touch any items in the classroom

Wellbeing and Safety is our priority. Please be prepared and alert all the time to control the spread of virus. Thank you for your understanding and support as always.

Congratulations to those who have been awarded as Outstanding Camper during Overseas Chinese Elite Youth Grand Canal Online Camp. Details refer to Year Book 2020!



学生如有感冒发烧等症状必须留在家里,缺席上课时家长必须第一时间在班群通知老师。除了美术班,除了学生自己明确前往和上学期同样的中文班课室外,周一到周五各班的两位老师将会负责到课室接Kindy 到 Year 1 的学生到中文班课室,请家长书面通知学校老师,叮嘱自己的孩子留在课室等到我们中文班的老师。中文班的老师将穿工作马甲方便辨认。万一走丢,必须留在我们一直以来的集合点。

老师在下课前会让所有学生先洗手再离开,所有的家长必须在下课后5分钟内到达学校的3号们接走小孩。周六班级的学生必须在进入校门前洗手或者使用消毒液消毒。所有学生只能使用自己的文具用品。家长接送参看Term 4指引。


周一C1MC《中文》第三册Junjun and Lola15:15 to 17:15课室DMT28 KD
周一C1MW《中文》第一册Angela W and Summer15:30 to 17:15课室DMT5 5BC
周二C2TC《中文》第二册Nancy and David15:30 to 17:15课室DMT5 4A
周二C2TH中国象棋Irene16:10 to 17:10网课NA
周二C2TR《中文》第三册Angela W and Clare L15:30 to 17:15课室DMT28 5BC
周三C3WH《中文》第三册Lili and Annie J15:30 to 17:15课室DMT28 5BC
周三C3WL美术Lilian15:30 to 17:15课室DMT5 4A
周四C4TC《中文》第一册Junjun and Dandan15:30 to 17:15课室DMT28 5BC
周四C4TWHSK 一级Lin and Angela M15:30 to 17:15课室DMT5 4A
周五C5FL美术Lilian15:30 to 17:15课室DMT5 4A
周五C5FM《中文》第四册Mark and Junjun15:30 to 17:15课室DMT28 5BC
周五C5FW编程Wilson17:00 to 18:00网课NA
周六*C6SJ中学生初级班Lena11:00 to 12:30课室DMT5 4A
周六C6SC粤语班Candy13:30 to 15:30课室DMT28 5BC
周六C6SH中华文化Bin and Simmy16:00 to 18:00课室DMT28 5BC
周六C6SL《中文》第二册Bella and Julia15:00 to 17:00课室DMT5 4A
周日*C6SI中国象棋IreneIndividual arrangement网课NA

我们将在week 9 开始接受新学生的入学申请,有意加入者请发邮件到eppingwestchineseschool@outlook.com, 请留意网站网站:www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au 更新。

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