2023 暑假假期课程 (18 December 2023 to 29 January 2024)
我们暑假继续为学生提供灵活的活动安排,家长和学生根据各自的时间安排报名全天或者纯课程的假期班。我们也接受纯租借场地举办活动的申请。We will provide flexible holiday program (whole day or class only) to meet diverse needs. We accept application for venue hire during public holiday.
假期班地点:2 Downing Street Epping 2121,羽毛球则在Silverwater球场进行。All program will be conducted in 2 Downing Street Epping 2121 except Badminton at Silverwater.
全天$150 , 在12月1日确定的有5%折扣。费用包括早班和下午班, 2个课间餐和午餐。部分课程可以使用Creative Kids Voucher. Full day rate is $150, 5% off if confirmed by 1 December. Cost includes AM and PM sessions, 2 recess and lunch. Some program can redeem Creative Kids Voucher.
所有课程提供材料,多肉盆栽和工笔画/书法的作品可以带回家。All materials are included, Students are allowed to take home with the product of Succulent Potted Arts, Chinese Traditional Painting/ Calligraphy.
AM 早班: 9:30 to 11:30am PM下午班: 1:30 to 3:30pm
Full Day 全天: 8:30am to 6:00pm (有特殊情况的请联系中心协调解决 Please contact us for special arrangement if applicable)
付款账户 Bank Account:
Account name: NSW Epping West Chinese School
Account number: 062140 11625368
Reference: Camp Child name
非在册学生需要提供注册表。请电邮eppingwestchineseschool@outlook.com领取。All non-existing enrolled students are required to provide a enrolment form. Please email eppingwestchineseschool@outlook.com to obtain.
除了假期班,我们2024年将增设适合4到5岁学童的中文和兴趣班课程,具体的安排参照网站www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au的更新。In 2024 we will have new program catering 4 to 5 years old students. Please refer to www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au for details.