Advance 2020 Target 20/20


2019 Term 4 newsletter


Dear teachers, parents, and students: 

As the year comes to a close and we move into holiday mode to enjoy what life is all about, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your efforts in 2019. 

This year has been an amazing year of growth and success for our school and each of you has contributed in your own unique ways. I really appreciate every extra little bit of input from you and more importantly our mutual happy hour. We participated in school fete and enjoyed the Celebration of Learning. Recently we integrated ourselves with the Green Oval project. We are very proud to know there is a place for us, for we are glorious!  

To those of you that joined our team this year welcome once again, you have all integrated into Chinese class big family so well and I look forward to watching you further develop your skills in 2020. To the longstanding members of the team, thanks for your commitment and loyalty to our ideals and mission! 

As we farewell another great year, please take time to relax and enjoy the time with your families and friends. Appreciate them and all they have done for you. Enjoy every minute of the break and take in the spirit of education because all too soon we will be back in the school and 2019 will be a distant memory. 

All the very best to a healthy and successful 2020! Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to email

Plant hope, Sow Care and Spread Love 

Go far Go together 
Yours sincerely 

Clare Cheng 

NSW Epping West Chinese School



2020 我们将以暨南大学《中文》教材为纲,汉语等级考试词汇为点,中华文化为线,学习和巩固相关单词和知识面。 Term 1 Timetable课程表如下: 

*C6SM围棋班 GO Lesson, Teacher is Amy Song and Shelly Mo, different level subject to enrolment

*C6SA美术班 老师跟周三周五班的不一样 


目前周一到周五班全部满员,有兴趣加入的家长请邮件发回注册申请表 或填在线表格, 并在每学期的第八周联系Clare. 邮箱  

温馨提示:除非特殊情况经批准, 每一位尤其是1年级以下的学生家长每学期需要值日一次,主要是帮忙从课室接学生,准备健康课间餐,监管学生安全和协助维护课室整洁,营造一个以爱育爱的学习氛围。Unless approved otherwise, all parents especially year 1 and under are required to be the helper once a term, duties include not limited to: collect the student from the classroom, prepare a healthy snack, supervise student safety and maintain classroom cleanness. Your child is being cared for by others too, we aim to foster a nurturing learning environment, which is beneficial to our students and parents in the long term. 

感恩选择Epping West 中文班,我们的老师基本都是受持续培训的家长,熟悉学校和爱护你的小孩就像爱护自己的邻家小孩,努力打造引导式教学和体验式课堂。我们2020的教师团队有 (sorted by joining time) : 

Clare Cheng: 中山大学毕业,Certificate III and Diploma in Community Language, 国际汉语华文教师证书,主管中文班的招生,期刊发布和年报编辑。 

Simmy Wang: University of Lincoln 计算机学士, Certificate III in Community Language Teaching, 主管期刊和年报发布的技术支持。 

Mark Ou: 中国农业大学研究生毕业,北京市成人教育老师,Certificate III in Community Language Teaching 

Lin Wang: 广州师范大学毕业,Macquarie University教育硕士学位,广州小学英文老师,Certificate III in Community Language Teaching  

Jun Chen: 中国传媒大学播音主持专业,高级教师资格,北京市专职中文朗诵教师, Certificate III in Community Language Teaching 

Annie Liu: 华中师范大学毕业,Certificate III in Community Language Teaching, 主管中文班的采购 

Angela Wu: 武汉商学院毕业,Certificate III in Community Language Teaching 

Bin Hu: University of Lincoln毕业,Certificate III and Diploma in Community Language Teaching 

Lillian Xue: Lane Cove Art Society member,Sydney Art School 奖学金获得者 

Candy Chen: 华南理工大学毕业,Certificate III in Community Language Teaching 

Frida Hu:北京师范大学毕业,Certificate III in Community Language Teaching 

Angela Ma: 华南理工大学毕业,Certificate III in Community Language Teaching 

Bella Chen: 四川大学毕业,四川音乐学院讲师。Certificate III in Community Language 

Julia LI: 北京邮电大学毕业,Certificate III in Community Language 

Nancy Dong: Queensland University of Technology毕业,Certificate III in Community Language 

Shelly Mo: 业余三段棋手,二次代表澳大利亚参加国际比赛 

Amy Song: 澳洲首名5段女子棋手,纽省州长奖获得者,高考4U数学满分获得者 

Annie Jiang: 山东烟台城乡建设学校毕业, 

Lola Zheng: Macquarie University 毕业, 幼儿艺术学校老师 

Clare Liang: Durham University 毕业,北京奥运会外企志愿者 

Dan Zhang: University of Technology Sydney毕业,Spriti2Life Individual 2019 award 提名 

Wilson Zhang: 中山大学毕业,负责微信公众号。

Irene Huang: 中国象棋世界冠军。


我们为在读的大学生提供实习机会,创造一个year 6学生担任助教的平台,UTS 教育专业的Summer 将继续在C4TC实习,Year 6学生Ian Song 和 Angela Feng分别在C4TW 和C4TC尝试职业体验。 

我们和学生一道将怀有敬畏之心敬奉天地万物,重塑温 (温和)良(善良)恭(谦恭)俭(自律)让(淡泊)的优良品德,2020年有你有我,一个不能少!
