April 2024 Holiday Program

Our April 2024 holiday program will run on 15 to 19 April, 22-24 April and 29 April. A tailored program is offered for 6 students. 我们四月假期营在四月15到19日, 22 到24日和29日开放。6人成班。

We are proud to team up dedicated and professionals to look after our students. Robotics team has been delivering robotics and coding class to Epping and surrounding areas for more than 6 years. Chinese painting & Calligraphy teachers have more than 20 years experience in the field. Succulent Potted Arts teacher learned from Kwon-Glazed Porcelain successor. Our students will be trained with world ranking No. 11 badminton coaches. 我们非常荣幸地和专业人士一道为学生提供专业的服务。机器人和编程团队已经为Epping和附近的区域提供超过6年的教学,工笔画和书法老师有超过20多年的专攻。多肉盆栽集创作、美术和动手能力一体,老师师从非遗广彩传人。羽毛球教练包括最高排名世界排名第11的球员。

Our parents have participated Sydney Chinese College Badminton Tournament for 4 times, this year we will have a team including Epping West alumni. We would like to train up our existing and ex-students for July inter school badminton tournament, and foster a better family friendly cohort. 我们家长将第四次参加悉尼中国高校羽毛球联赛。今年我们将邀请会员第二代、Epping West的校友组队参加联赛。我们进行学生培训备战7月的校际比赛的同时,促进更加紧密的亲子关系。

We also welcome NDIS participants to join our normal and holiday program. The centre for dropping off and collection at 2 Downing Street is open 9am to 6pm with extended hour when applicable. Badminton training will be conducted at Alpha Badminton Egerton. Students can choose AM or PM program only. A valued added one hour homework support is on offer to whole-day registered students. 我们也欢迎NDIS计划的学生参加日常和假期班。2 Downing Street中心在早上9点到下午6点开放,特殊情况下可以延长时间。全天班的学生在2 Downing Street接送。羽毛球训练在Alpha Egerton Silverwater 球馆进行。学生也可以只选择早上或者下午的课程。参加全天活动的学生免费获得一个小时的作业辅导,

Please keep an eye on the update. 请密切留意更新。

One day rate $150 including morning and afternoon tea. Parents to drop off non-full day -students for badminton lesson. Please secure your spot by 30 March, refundable with 7 days notice. $10 registration fee applies to non-existing students. 全天费用$150 包括上下午课间餐。家长需要自己接送非全日制学生到羽毛球馆。3月30日前确定位置,7天前通知可以退款。非在册学生有$10的注册费。

Enquiries should address to eppingwestchineseschool@outlook.com. For details, please visit www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au. 欢迎电邮eppingwestchineseschool@outlook.com查询。详情请浏览www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au.

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