Welcome to Term One 2024 Important Parent Information

On behalf of Epping West Chinese School, we welcome you to the 2024 school year. We extend a particularly warm welcome to those families joining our community this year and hope that you will quickly come to experience the culture of EWCS.

We are looking forward to welcoming the students back on 1 February and trust they are well rested and ready to begin the year ahead.

Sense of community is so evident, where relationships are at the core of our work, and there are many opportunities for parents and teachers to meet throughout the year. We also know that the best student academic and pastoral outcomes are met when there is authentic engagement between schools and families. I encourage you to volunteer to be class parents once a term.

You will find some important information that will assist you as we commence a new school year as well as the 2024 offerings.

TERM 1 KEY DATES Term 1主要日期:

Term 1 starts from Thursday 1 February, until Friday 12 April 2024. 2月1日开学, 4月12日最后一节课

23 January: Perform at Hurstville Marana Auditorium with Qingdao Laoshan New Century School


11 February: Lunar Chinese New Year Performance at Eastwood

2月11日Eastwood 农历新年庆祝活动表演

5-10 February: Lunar New Year Week celebration at 2 Downing Street 农历新年文化周


D BLOCK- two classrooms between school hall and Cre8 studio 周一到周六中文课

2 Downing Street: 机器人、美术、围棋、文化辅导课

*1-10 February: All lesson will be delivered at 2 Downing Street.

About us 关于我们

Registered non-for-profit organisation;

Creative kids voucher provider

Working with children check employer

Certified Language Teaching team

Pathway for professional and personal growth

Component of Epping West Public School community

Co-ordinator of Badminton Tournament

Responsibilities of Teachers and Parents: 老师和家长职责

The responsibilities of teachers:

Deliver lesson plan and check homework

Ensure the safety of students,

Maintain classroom tidiness and cleanness,

Look after school properties,

Schedule parents’ roster when applicable.

Teacher Assistant and parents on duty provide support and assistance to teachers.

老师职责包括授课、检查家庭作业、维持学生课堂纪律、维护课室的整洁、爱护公物和安排家长值日。每一个学生家庭的父母每学期轮值一次,助教和值日家长主要协助老师从课室接低年级的学生, 协助老师维护课堂纪律和爱护公物,确保学生安全。请参考详细的规则。

The responsibilities of parents:

Assist once a term,

Inform day school -teacher that your child has Chinese class,

Remind child(ren) to finish homework,

Remind child (ren) to bring textbook, exercise book, snack etc.

Remind child (ren) to assembly in front of Canteen after class,

Indicate child name and class in class group,

Check class group message regularly.


We value our privacy.  Selected class photos/video is to publish on our own website or yearbook only, with parents’ consent. All information in class group is not to be forwarded nor posted on social media.


All parents are required to indicate their child/ren name and class in the group alias, for identification and verification.  This can avoid any unauthorised access and facilitate transparent communications. 



Students are expected to be punctual to class. • It is important for parents to ensure that all student absences are explained and inform our teachers in due course, in the class group or informing the principal..


Drop off and Pick-up 接送

Weekday Class:

Unless advised otherwise, kindergarten and new Year one students will be dropped off by mainstream school teachers to meet our Chinese teachers in front of canteen after school. Year 1 and above students will meet Chinese teachers at classroom or the assembly point set by each class.

We ask for your continued support with the measures we have taken to ensure the safety-Whenever passible, students should be picked up no later than 5:20pm unless advised otherwise.  

Weekend Class:

Parents are expected to drop off their child/ren 5 minutes before the lesson time at Gate 2 and collect their child/ren on time from Gate 2/classroom.

Weekend students are suggested to go to bathroom before departing from home.





We will pass the textbook to the students directly upon receipt of the payment.


Please visit our website www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au before obtaining the enrolment form. Enrolment form, creative voucher and date of birth should be emailed to eppingwestchineseschool@outlook.com. 有意注册的家长请先浏览网站www.eppingwestchineseschool.nsw.edu.au 然后再联系我们领取注册表。注册表、creative voucher 和生日电邮到 eppingwestchineseschool@outlook.com.

Thank you for your persistence on Chinese learning. Welcome on board! I look forward to seeing you over the course of 2024 and wish you every blessing in the year ahead.


United We Stand Together We Excel

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